Monday, April 28, 2008

Here in the power of Christ I stand.

Disclaimer: This blog might be a little scatterbrained, as it's 1234a (make a wish) and I can't sleep. (That might not be quite so bad save that I plan to be at work by 6a. Ah, well.)

It's been almost three weeks, eh? What's happened in that time ....

One of the most exciting events was a visit to my store by my regional director (Traci), the eight district managers in her area (Bakersfield to half of Fresno), and a human resources partner on a Wednesday morning two weeks ago. We found out two days before, cleaned our butts off, and had an awesome visit. I received several compliments from the visiting DMs, Traci, and Autumn (my DM) about the friendliness and legendary service of my partners and was absolutely bursting with pride by the time they left. We worked so hard to be ready for them, but it's also indicative of our store in general. My partners are some pretty incredible people who care about their customers, each other, and their store. I am blessed to know them as people and as coworkers. Yay, Team #10660!

To celebrate such our awesomeness, I got the store a cake. There's a picture on my phone, but I can't figure out how to send it to the comp. Oh well. It was good cake. :)

Last Thursday, I met Pat and Becca at school for the final Fresno State jazz concert. Man, I'm not the biggest jazz fan, but I love Fresno State's jazz ensembles. And it was nice to be there to see the graduating seniors. Another era moving on to bigger and better things. And I got to officially meet Dr. Caldwell so now I can have a conversation with him when he comes into my store without feeling like a total stalker.

General family news:
1. Grandma has been out of the hospital for a while and is en route to Oklahoma via Hesperia, California.
2. Grammie's knee surgery went very well, and she's feeling pretty good.
3. Travis might be promoted pretty soon!
4. Abbey only has two weeks of the semester left -- one week of school, one week of finals -- then she and Matt will be on their way out to California. The week of May 17, all the Cochran kids will be invading Exeter, wooooo.
5. Giada won't be getting a sister for a least a bit longer. We were supposed to adopt a kitten from a friend of a friend, but they all died. :(

Church has been really good. Last Monday, I went to what ended up being the last meeting of an open women's life group. There, I met a girl, Crystal, who invited me to be part of a small group she and some friends are putting together. It's funny -- when I get out of the way and let God be God, He always exceeds my hopes. I pray to meet someone who might potentially become a friend; He speaks to my through Scripture, connects me instantly to friendly people (who doesn't love Starbucks), and gives me a future with that potential friend I asked for. There's a line from a song we sang in church today: Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him / How I've proven Him o'er and o'er. At first, I felt sacreligious: How can I prove Jesus; He is infinitely wiser than me. But I came to realize its true meaning: Time and time again, I give Jesus opportunities to save/bless/forgive/love me because I'm His human creation. My inadequacies highlight His abundances. Isn't it amazing that He can turn everything to His glory?

Coming up this week (besides a women's life group social tomorrow night) is work, work, work. Saturday, I have plans to have lunch with Jenn. Looking into the future, May is an exciting month: Matt is graduating; Abbey will be home; Mother's Day; I'm going to road trip up to SF to see Ozma with Ryan (!); Sex and the City movie premiere. For all you ladies, Becca and I are planning a girls night out on May 30 -- the more, the merrier! Just let me know if you're interested.

One last thing: I finally bit the bullet and canceled my Comcast subscription. This means that, as of Tuesday, I'll no longer have internet access at home so don't expect any quick responses to email, MySpace, etc. If you want to get a hold of me in a timely fashion, call the cell. Otherwise, I'll be checking email, etc. once or twice a week from the library or the laptop at a Starbucks. Yay for one less bill and more free time to read (especially since I did an awful thing and spent $75 at Borders last week ....).

Love you all.

1 comment:

Jake said...

It warms my heart to know that things are going well for you. Congrats on store! I know the stress and difficulty of preparing a store for a visit with DM's.

I hope you have a fantastic time in SF. How could one not have a good time? Its SF. I was once Stranded in SF until 4am. Even that was fun. It is also a good story. LOL.

I hope things continue to go well for you as well as your family!
May He watch over you and your family!