Saturday, October 4, 2008

Cuz when I look to the sky.

I'm so glad I waited to blog until today because it's been a long, hot month, but today is absolutely delicious! It rained last night so the ground is damp, the air is cool, and half the population of Fresno is bundled up in jackets and real shoes. I, in my Ohio-hardened toughness, am in a polo and flip-flops and loving every minute of it! This is the weather of Fall -- the weather of hot tea and sweaters and windblown hair. The weather of getting in your parked car without sweating through your shirt. The weather of Thanksgiving and thanksgiving -- thank You for the end of summer!

We haven't seen skies like this is Fresno for some time. Lovely.

Waking up to the Ohio weather for which I've been so nostalgic starts the makings of a perfect day. At the moment, I'm enjoying a warmed blueberry scone and soy chai at Starbucks before heading off the run some errands. This afternoon, I'll spend some time catching up on laundry and vacuuming. Maybe tonight, I go out to see a movie or call someone for coffee. All in all, a lovely day.

Now let's catch up. September wasn't the most eventful month, but it held its own.

First, I turned 26 (thanks to Mom and Dad for decorating) and ...

... went skydiving!

In the plane, then in the air.

Getting my bearings, and what a view.

Thus, now I am 26, and I am hardcore.

September also brought an addition to the family. Meet Clementine, Giada's new sister!

She and Giada got off to a rough start, mianly involved Giada wailing like a stuck pig and Clementine trotting off to explore a new corner of the apartment. But now, while not the best of friends, they chase each other around the house and haven't drawn blood yet.

The first night.

Clem is fun to have around. She's helped Giada to relax and not be so highstrung. She plays with anything and everything (including Giada's tail and her own ). She has a capacity for relaxation that I've never seen; she's either active or unconscious -- there is no inbetween.

I should get going soon, but here are some random pics to round out the morning. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life.

Me, in Exeter, maybe before a wedding event?

The new dining room set and bookshelf.

The most awesome tea kettle ever, at home on the stove.

Th-th-th-that's all folks. Until next time.


Anonymous said...

Clementine looks so much like Tonks when she was a kitten! And Giada is so big! Glad to see you're doing well.

merrilykaroly said...

Love the new dining set!! Very purdy.

You know, 26 is pretty old. :)

Love ya!

merrilykaroly said...

Oh and P.S. Thanks For The Birthday Card!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved it.

Erica said...

Erin -- I tell Giada she's big like Tonks all the time. Since they were such BFFs. :)

Del -- Who ya callin' old!? And you're welcome!