Friday, February 20, 2009

Walk on by.

I'm attempting blog regularity so two posts in two weeks. Everything is right with the world.

It's been a pretty good week. I've been trying to write in my paper journal more regularly, even though it hurts my hand to write more than a half page. Still, I appreciate the opportunity to reflect on the day before going to bed. I need that time to stay cognizant of my life. And writing things down makes them more tangible to me.

Becca and I started walking this week. Tuesday, we spent an hour trekking through Sierra Vista mall. Mall walking is entertaining because you can window shop! We took a detour through Sears at one point and picked out our dream washer/dryers. If we go back with any regularity, I guess we'll eventually decorate our entire dream homes. :) Thursday night, we met at Becca's apartment and walked around the complex while Pat came home and cooked dinner (pizza and salad) then we watched TV. I saw my first episode of 30 Rock, which is a funny show, but I thought the rerun of The Office was funnier. (C'mon, Emmys, let's get those awards right.) We're hoping to make the walking a regular thing, especially since we both noticed that it's much easier to walk much longer with someone to talk to. Walking for an hour with just an iPod gets kind of monotonous (though Becca did suggest listening to a podcast, an excellent idea).

Clem has healed up quite well. She was spayed a couple of weeks ago, and everything was going fine until she started licking at the last part of her incision, caused it to open, and then licked out suture! I know, gross. When I took her back to the vet, they said she was fine, cut the suture, and put a hood on her. It was hilarious -- watching her scooch around trying to pull it off her head (to no avail). But twenty-four later, she'd figured out, and luckily, the incision had already healed completely. I'll post some pictures when I remember to bring my camera with me.

Work is going all right. Starbucks recently changed the management review process, and it's freaked me out a little bit (I spent Wednesday making myself feel like an a-one failure), but further review shows I shouldn't be freaked out. Plus, my boss's new boss and his boss are touring next week (without my boss, who is on vacation), and I"m 99% sure they'll be in my store, and I super nervous about it. We just still have so much work to do; I feel like we're not making the progress that we should, and that ultimately falls on my shoulders, good or bad. Sometimes it's lonely at the "top."

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