Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy holidays, Pt. 2: 'Cause everyone's my friend in New York City.

The month of November was a good time to enjoy the mostly beautiful weather and continue exploring the city.  And there was pizza, always more pizza.

The arch in Washington Square.

Cristiane and I on our way to a party.

It was a hoodie party, and even Falcor was in dress code!

Clint and Chris on the ride home.  This feels so NYC.

My very own store!

On a stroll through Central Park, there was this group of people hunched over in odd formations ....
Then they all started running around "on" ... brooms?
They were playing QUIDDITCH, people.  Quidditch.  It takes all kinds. :)

Toward the end of the month, Chris and I met up for -- you guessed it -- pizza!  We had an indoor picnic because it was pouring outside.

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