Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hey now.

Again, I've been a naughty blogger so here's a survey to tide us over until I can muster real thoughts.

current book: Sex With Kings by Eleanor herman. It's about royal mistresses in Europe for the past 1000 years. Very interesting. I've also recently reread The Dogs of Babel (wonderful) and The Red Tent.

current films: In the past week, I've watched The Time Traveler's Wife (C+, the book is a favorite of mine and much better), The Proposal (B, funny in moments but I'd seen most of those in the trailers), My Life in Ruins (B, cute and sweet with yummy Greek men and architecture!), Up (A, wonderful, touching, endearing, and laugh-out-loud funny).

current shame-inducing guilty pleasure: ANTM finale last night! And Sour Cream Lemon pie, that was tasty. And not working two days in a row -- I'm bored.

current color: Purple. According to my sources, it does good things for me and makes me look like a German tourist (Heidi Klum, maybe? ;-)

current link:

current song: Amy Grant and Kelly Clarkson stuff at the moment. And "The Words I Would Say" by Sidewalk Prophets.

current outfit: Purple long-sleeved tee, pink cami, jeans. Tourista!

current drink: I'm jonesing for a soy Caramel Brulee Latte right about now.

current food: Apple Cinnamon oatmeal for breakfast.

current wish list: The ability to travel to Indy and Spain next year.

current triumphs: Actually, I've lost 22 lbs in the past couple of months.

current bane of my existence: My warty left finger.

current celebrity crush: Rodrigo Santoro (Karl in Love, Actually).

current indulgence: There hasn't been much time for indulgence lately. I suppose it would be changing my cell phone plan to 1500 texts/mth so I don't text myself out of house and home.

current excitement:
Happy birthday today, Daddy-o!
Thankgiving and Black Friday next week!
Trans-Siberian Orchestra on Dec 2 with Jess and ...!
Carlos moving to Spain! (Not exciting for anyone but Carlos and John, but still. :)
Amanda's birthday!
Abbey and Matt coming home!
Travis coming home!
Papa's birthday!
Momma's birthday!

It's a busy 6 weeks.


merrilykaroly said...

Well, you didn't answer back on your last post, but I guess you answered my question at the beginning of this one!

I'd really like some sour cream lemon pie. mmmmmmm

Erica said...

I know, I'm a slacker blogger AND a slacker response-commenter. Commentor? But I thought of you when I answered the question. :)