Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Heavy things shouldn't come out of nowhere.

For the past year, I think every blog I've written has started out with some sort of acknowledgement of my failure to blog consistently. Today is no exception -- still sucking it up. Oh well!

In lieu of coherence, I'm just going to tell y'all about some of my favorite things lately.

1) The Clumsy Lovers, "Bobby Banjo." I heard this song for the first time at Starbucks last night, and it makes me giggle.

2) Speaking of music, I also really like Eric Hutchison and Owl City. And ... Kelly Clarkson, Jupiter Sunrise, Rent, Mamma Mia!, Mandisa, and Jibbs. Go fight win, good music.

3) Thanksgiving -- I ate more in two days than I had in two weeks. Finished off the last of pumpkin pie leftovers last night (and realized why I try to avoid sugar before bed -- weird dreams abound) and have just enough for one more open-faced turkey sandwich, mmm. Plus, I watched my first NFL football games of the season. Yes, ladies and gents, my middle name is Deprived. As well as lots of time with the parents and all three grandparents. Yay, family.

4) Caramel Brulee Latte. If you haven't been to Starbucks recently, go get this drink! It's delicious and nutrituous! Maybe not nutritious, but as I tell customers on the fence -- it's good for the soul. Seriously, I rarely like new promotional drinks, but this one is simply fabulous.

5) God's provision. In the face of recent tragedy and difficulty, God is always there to lift me up, and I am always in awe that He deigns to even acknowledge my existence.

6) I never thought I'd live to see the day, but Star Trek! I Redbox-ed the new Star Trek movie last night, hoping for a fun romp with cute boys to go along with my pumpkin pie and early evening in. I got all that and more! This movie is fabulous! Entertaining, engaging, and spectacular with great acting, great effects, and great balance of elements for the Live-Long-and-Prosper diehard fans as well as the William-Shatner-is-Creepy people like me.

Do I dare admit that I really want to add seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation to my Netflix?

7) It's Christmas time! And for all the angry shoppers, the stupid drivers, the silly music, and the raging commercialism, there is significance, family, goodwill, and a Savior. No snow, though, which I miss a little.

Now I'm really rambling so it's time to go home, clean and do laundry, put up Christmas decorations, and get ready for .... Cheesecake Factory and Trans-Siberian Orchestra with Jess and Tamara tonight!


Rachel said...

I finally got a chance to try a caramel brulee latte and I thought of you - so so good!

Erica said...

Yay for yummy drinks and thoughts of friends! Every time I see NaNoWriMo, I think of you. :)