Thursday, August 7, 2008

Going to the chapel, er, White Horse (part 1).

WARNING: The next three blogs are VERY picture-heavy!

It’s taken me a while of staring at a blank Word document to start this blog. Because how do you describe the feeling of your little sister’s wedding and marriage? How do you sum up into words your pride, exuberance, humbled-ness, and love? Wednesday through Sunday were some of the best days in recent memory; I only hope my wedding someday captures an iota of the fun and fellowship of hers.

Now I’m sure you want to hear all about it, right? Let’s get started!

Wednesday morning, I got up early to get my car washed, drop off something at my store, and … what else did I do … ah yes, and pick up a couple of prescriptions before I headed home. The house was fairly quiet when I arrived, and I spent some headachy time in Visalia shopping, but a couple of hours later, we were bombarded with boys! Mom and Dad had everyone over for a BBQ. Everyone meant the three Anderson girls staying in our driveway (the trailer in our driveway), Matt, Abbey, some of Abbey’s Exeter friends, Matt’s parents, and seven Anderson/Indiana boys who eat a ton and jump in the pool. I can’t remember the last time the house in Exeter saw that many people. We had a blast eating hamburgers, swimming, watching Emily and Erica (M.) get thrown in the pool, everything you need for a good BBQ (Birthdaypalooza memories, anyone?).

Gwen, Erica and Mollie.

When the sun was almost down, I headed Emily’s house to ready for Abbey’s bachelorette party! Rachel, Emily, Kelly, and I decorated while baking pizookies filled the house with delicious cookie smells. Abbey came over with the Anderson girls, and the partying commenced.

Decorations ready for the bride to be!

We played Strip Spoons (no pictures of that one! J ) and sipped on strawberry daiquiris (virgin, lest anyone worry).

Our next adventure was ice blocking! For those of you unfamiliar with our smalltown California ways, ice blocking is riding a large chunk of ice down a hill. Easy enough, right? But genius Emily added a twist -- riding a large chunk of ice down a hill holding a plastic champagne flute of Martinelli’s cider! Let the competition begin.

The curly-haired guy who opened our cider bottles (and christened his car in the process).

A toast.

Ice blocking practice runs.

Abbey, Rachel, Mollie.

The races.
Kelsey and Hannah.

Kelsey, Kelly, and Abbey.


Erica M.

Kelsey was declared the winner, and we all headed home for Abbey to open her presents (Matt’s eyes only!) and to dig into those pizookies. Our last added bonus was a video of fourth-graders running for class offices on speech day, Abbey included. Hilarious.

All in all, an awesome bachelorette party -- Emily to the rescue!

For more wedding weekend fun, read Part 2! Then Part 3!

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