Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thank you, Consequence.

Two entries this week: This Thanksgiving post, and the previous Apartment Tour. Check it out!

You know how sometimes you just have a few great days in a row, and it restores you? I had one of those weekends. By Friday, I was pretty exhausted from closing, working at 8a, then opening in three days. I was supposed to go to dinner at Claim Jumper (would have satisfied my craving for a big, juicy burger) with some of my new partners at 8p, but around 5p, I suddenly felt like I'd been hit by a train. Thinking it could be the effects of my flu shot, I went to Target for Nyquil. To my surprise, I also found Grey's Anatomy Season 3 for only $30! So that was my night -- I passed out on my couch by 9p watching Grey's.

Saturday, I wake up mildly refreshed, took some Dayquil, and went to work at 8a. After work, Serena and I had coffee at her store, then I quickly went home to feed the cat and change. At 730p, I met Pat and Becca for ice cream at Riverpark. We had a great night of catching up, talking about the future and checking out their new Toyota Camry (gorgeous --I want one, and I don't even really like cars!).

Sunday brought a lazy morning, an amazing message at church, the newspaper and lunch at Starbucks, shopping at Target, and an afternoon of chores and Grey's. Then back to work on Monday; it's been a slow week. Today, I'm meeting the regional director, Tracy, for coffee, just informally for us to have face time before the many changes in Starbucks In Fresno's future. Here's to hoping I say all the right things!

I'm closing at work tonight so I won't head home to Exeter until tomorrow morning for an afternoon Thanksgiving dinner with my family. This weekend holds some exciting happenings -- TransSiberian Orchestra on Friday! Also, planning to make Sunday a busy day because it could be a difficult day, but being surrounded by loving friends and family will keep me whole.

Things I'm Thankful For:
  • God's amazing grace, peace, and love.
  • My family and friends.
  • That I am doing so well.
  • Lessons learned -- what I need and want from life; how to act in the longterm and big picture, even if it means I won't do what makes me happy in the short term; that my family and friends are unequivocally there for me; I am a strong, resilient, fabulous woman.
  • Giada.
  • Sunshine and mountains.
What are you thankful for?

1 comment:

merrilykaroly said...

I am thankful for thankful people. I really am. Last week I was just thinking about how grateful I was for the people I work with when they thank me for the things I do for them. It makes me feel appreciated. I think it was then that I realized it was Thanksgiving week.

I'm grateful for people who take time to be thankful. Not just to me, but to everyone who does something nice, and to God. It takes some maturity to sit back and realize what you have and all the good things there are in your life!