Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tryin' to fit the world inside a picture frame.

Monday was my first day of work, and it went very well. We weren't busy thanks to Veterans Day Observed so my re-introduction to drive-thru wasn't painful. I think the store and I will match just fine.

Otherwise, it's been an uneventful week. Dinner with Ryan on Sunday evening was excellent. He drives a pimped out Dodge Neon (I think, a Dodge something) with racing seats that hug -- a little fresh, if you ask me. A seat should get a girl's phone number before we get that close, if you know what I'm saying. And I still think we should trade cars. :)

Jered brought the cabinet Monday evening, and it looks great next to the front door. I had yesterday off, and it was a pretty boring day. So in lieu of nothing to write about, Giada pictures!

Helping Mom set up the apartment:

See that tiny ledge? I know I should be able to fit on it! (But there's no way she will.)


Checking out the neighborhood:

Playing with my chic cubes because I'm a hot kitty:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

giada is still lookin' adorable. i want a kitty. :(